
来源: 互联网2023-07-08 02:07:12


1、以下两个你选一个吧!都不长!Newton (牛顿) One day, Newton was walking and thinking in a garden. He saw that an apple fell from a tree to the ground. It came into his thought that the power of gravity was not limited to a certain distance from earth. This power must extend much further than what people usually thought back then and perhaps retain the moon in its orbit. Marie Curie (居里夫人) Marie Curie was born in the late 1800s in Poland. The country was torn by wars when she was growing up. Her family called her Manya. Manya’s parents were teachers, and they taught their five children the value of learning. Before Manya turned 11, her eldest sister had died of typhus and her mother had died of tuberculosis. Despite these losses, Manya graduated from high school at 15 with the highest honors. Women were not permitted to study at the University of Warsaw back then. She and her sister had to go to Paris to get their college education. After many years of hard work, she completed her doctoral thesis in 1903 became the first woman to receive a doctorate in France.。






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